The Hub

The Hub is our day service which aims to empower and engage people in need.

The Hub provides a range of services to people with multiple and complex needs, who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness, rough sleepers, or who are socially isolated. Everyone we work with has experienced significant trauma in their life.

The Hub has an open-door policy and services are available from Monday to Friday and Saturdays.

Services include:

  • Free breakfast: Monday - Friday from 9am to 10am
  • Free breakfast & lunch: Saturdays 9am - 1pm
  • Free showering facilities, with toiletries, clean towels, underwear and sanitary products 
  • Onsite healthcare from Homeless Alliance Response Team nurses
  • Free laundry facilities
  • Food parcels and foodbank vouchers
  • Access to clean clothing 
  • One-to-one assessment to help identify support needs
  • Advice and advocacy
  • Links to accommodation services
  • Wellbeing and health activities, such as healthy eating and life skills
  • Move-on packs that include basic essentials
  • Training.

The Hub also offers support to:

  • Access primary health care, including registering with a dentist and accessing dental treatment
  • Engage in drug and alcohol treatment
  • Access welfare support
  • Increase employability skills
  • Reduce social isolation.

The Hub is open Monday to Friday from 9am - 4pm and Saturdays 9am - 1pm. 

You can find us at: 73 Great George Street, Rochdale, OL16 1QG

Outreach support

We have staff who go out and engage with people who are sleeping rough.

Once we know about a rough sleeper, we go out regularly to engage with them, offer them a drink, food and other essentials, and invite them to the Hub where they can access washing and laundry facilities and access support services to help them find a place to stay.

If you are concerned about someone on the streets, please contact Petrus.

Onsite healthcare

We have partnered with the Homeless Alliance Response Team to provide onsite nurses and healthcare at our Hub including:

  • GP consultations
  • Wound care
  • Preventative medicine
  • Treatment for minor ailments
  • Support with GP registration within the borough
  • Advice from partner agencies
  • Most importantly, a friendly face to listen and talk to

This has been made possible following community fundraising such as donations from Co-op's members, those who sponsored our Chair of Trustees Paul's London Marathon run and Amazon.

Petrus Women’s Service

In partnership with the Greater Manchester Women’s Support Alliance and Probation, the Hub offers support to vulnerable women who are engaged with or at risk of coming to contact with the criminal justice system.

We aim to reduce the long-term impact that going to prison has on women and try to prevent women from reoffending.

The Hub provides a trauma-informed approach to support vulnerable women and offers a variety of empowering intervention, including:

  • Freedom programme (for domestic abuse victims)
  • WISER programme 
  • One-to-one case work
  • Debt support
  • Training
  • Wellbeing and healthy living activities
  • Peer support.

Thinking Ahead counselling service

In partnership with HMR CCG, Gaddum and The Big Life Group, the Hub aims to improve access to therapeutic services for people who have experienced homelessness, mental health or substance misuse issues.

This is done by offering:

  • An onsite counselling service
  • One-to-one pre-therapy support
  • Group support
  • Access to wellbeing promotion activities
  • Signposting to appropriate specialist services.